As the Artist in this team, I was asked to supervise everything related to the art of the game. So I was responsible to make the game look appealing, similar to the Zelda franchise, yet with our own personal touch.
As for what tasks I did in this project, I did the full cust
om Zelda spritesheet, with all walking directions, her special move (bow), rolling, jumping, etc… containing over 100 custom sprites.

I also did the overworld tileset, dungeon (tutorial) tileset, object tileset, the collision tileset, and the castle exterior tileset. I aswell supervised the other tilesets made by Guillermo.
I aswell did some custom sprites, as the animation of the bushes, or the animation of the doors in the tutorial, and the ones in the dungeon. I aswell did the custom color tiles and buttons for the color puzzle and the 3 variations of the 2 character button.
You will find other animations as the electric orbs or the enemy death animation wich are aswell original (the last one is a variation of the bomb explosion used in Minish cap).
It is important to notice that some palette changes were made to the tilesets to fit the feel of our game and that the link & Zelda spritesheets are based on the Four Swords /Minish Cap Link.


As for the music, besides some effects, all music and boss effects are custom, partly made by me. It was important that all the music felt like retro 8/16 bit music, so I downloaded midi files of some soundtracks and musics of other movies/games I liked, edit them, and lastly transform them into 8 bits using GSXCC. You can find all music used in the, or in the temporary music and video folder.


I was in charge of doing the video cutscenes of our game. All of them were made in premiere, using custom, or in game sprites.

Boss Design

I also designed and did the artistic part of the boss. It was important that the boss was a representation of the cooperation between the two players, so I made it so they had to cooperate to kill it, using all the skills they learned. As for the artistic design I based it on the guardians of Breath of the Wild, but I did it bigger and with some variations so it fit its design and the artistic style of the game.


I also created a few of the maps of the game, which are the following:

Sewers (tutorial)
Top of the Mountain
Path to final boss